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发布日期:2011-09-21  作者:交通运输学院  来源:交通运输学院  点击:


4-6 June 2012 on Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA

This Symposium will bring together international scholars from diverse disciplines to discuss and challenge emerging notions of dynamic traffic assignment and its role in the related problems of network design, network traffic control, urban logistics, sustainability, and the co-evolution of social networks.

The theme of DTA2012 is: complexity and sustainability. All attendees making presentations are required to include in their remarks one slide of conjectures about how DTA research might be aided by the exploitation of complexity science, as well as one slide about how DTA modeling might be used to address the growing issue of sustainability, where sustainability is broadly defined to include environmental, financial, economic, community, and social network considerations.

Papers should address theoretical issues, algorithms, and applications. Manuscripts will be evaluated on a competitive basis by a panel of DTA scholars. On the basis of that evaluation, approximately sixty (60) to seventy five (75) invitations to present will be made. Poster sessions will also be invited.

Authors are required, with each paper submitted, to include the aforementioned slides about complexity and sustainability.

Publication of Invited Papers.
A subset of all papers approved for presentation will be invited to form a special issue of Networks and Spatial Economics. That special issue will be a double issue of about 30 to 40 papers. The remaining papers will form a book to be published by Springer as part of its new book series Complex Networks and Spatial Systems. Both the special issue of Networks and Spatial Economics and the Complex Networks and Spatial Systems book will be moved to the front of their respective publication queues to assure the timely dissemination of DTA2012 findings.


上一条:【国际】第十二届COTA国际交通科技年会(CICTP2012) 下一条:【国际】第20届交通理论研究国际会议 ISTTT


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