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发布日期:2011-07-22  作者:交通运输学院  来源:交通运输学院  点击:


The theme of the 12th ITS-AP Forum and Exhibition in 2012 in Kuala Lumpur is Powering Transformation in Transportation. Intelligent Transport Systems has been a powering enabler of emerging technologies which provides a holistic and total experience for transport stakeholders and users. ITS serves as the technological bridge between driver, vehicle and tra c / road environment, and serves as to provide a seamless connection for multi-modal journeys. The key objectives of the 12th ITS-AP Forum and Exhibition are among others;

to showcase the latest and best practices in planning, funding, deploying, managing, maintaining and operating ITS solutions and technologies
to review latest and emerging developments in standards and / or harmonization of system architectures;
to present various innovations in the varied elds of ITS;
to discuss collective operational experiences and lessons learnt
to establish continuing dialogues on (national) policy directions, strategic initiatives, barriers and challenges to the
to report on R&D needs and ndings; and

The 12th ITS AP Forum and Exhibition is a signi cant part of the continuing e orts by the ITS Asia-Paci c Body to facilitate Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) cooperation and coordination between member countries in the Asia-Paci c region and a platform for knowledge sharing, networking and cooperative collaborations.


上一条:【国际】第八届交通运输研究国际会议(ICTTS 2012) 下一条:【国际】第八届交通运输研究国际会议(ICTTS 2012)


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