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发布日期:2014-07-01  作者:刘锴  来源:刘锴  点击:

1)新加坡的智能交通系统(Intelligent Transportation System of Singapore)
2)交通网络设计问题和方法概要(Overview of Transportation Network Design)
3)结合距离与时间的拥堵收费系统最优设计(Optimal Joint Distance and Time Toll Design)。






Biography – Dr. Qiang Meng

Dr. Qiang MENG is an Associate Professor in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore. He was as an Assistant Professor in the department from September 2003 to July 2010. Prior to this, he was a Research Fellow in the department. Dr. Meng received his Bachelor of Science (Major in Mathematics) from East China Normal University in 1989 and Master of Science (Major in Operations Research) from Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China in 1989. He has served as an Assistant professor at Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China from July 1989 to July 1997. He went to The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in August 1997 for pursuing PhD study and acquired his PhD in Civil Engineering in November 2000. After the three-year PhD study in HKUST, he returned to Shandong Normal University and was appointed as a Professor in the Information and Management School of the university.

Dr. Meng has several areas of technical expertise and interests, including methodologies, models and algorithms, and applications in transportation and logistics network analysis. In particular, his research in the areas of transportation network modeling and optimization, shipping and intermodal freight transportation analysis and quantitative risk assessment of transport infrastructures have received wide attention. He has authored or co-authored over 120 articles in a variety of international SCI/SSCI journals including Transportation Research Part A, Transportation B, Transportation Research Part C, Transportation Research Part E, Transportation Science, Risk Analysis and Accident Analysis & Prevention.

He is an Associate Editor of Transportation Research Part E and Journal of Transportation Engineering (ASCE), an editorial board member of Transportation Research Part B, Transportation Research Part C, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Transportmetrica, Asia Transport Studies and Analytical Methods in Accident Research. He has been serving Scientific Committee of the World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR) Society, Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics Committee of Transportation Research Board (TRB). He has clinched a number of research awards and prizes, including 13th World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR) Society Prize for the best paper (2013), Best Paper Award for Methodological Development in the 9th EASTS (East Asia Society for Transportation Studies) International Conference (2011), Best Paper Award of AHB40 - Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee - in the 90th TRB Annual Meeting (2011) and Singapore MOT (Ministry of Transportation) Minister’s Innovation Award 2009.

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