7月1日,应建设工程学部交通运输学院刘锴教授的邀请,加拿大麦吉尔大学孙立君助理教授访问我校。访问期间,孙教授与交通学院相关师生进行了深入的交流,了解了我方的研究领域与科研进展,并就双方未来共同的研究方向表达了合作的意向与热情。随后,孙教授在六楼会议室为学院师生做了一场题为“Modeling spatiotemporal mobility and traffic data”的讲座,分析了交通数据在时空上的特征,针对时间纬度上的预测问题和空间纬度上的插值问题,对现有的常用建模方法进行了系统的梳理。从传统的时间序列模型、物理模型到现今热门的机器学习模型、张量分解模型,总结探讨了各个模型的优劣及其适用性。会后,师生围绕报告主题进行了热烈的讨论。
Lijun Sun is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics at McGill University. He obtained his PhD degree in Civil Engineering (Transportation) from National University of Singapore in 2015, and earned his Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) in 2011. He is serving as guest editor for the Special Issues on “Transportation” in Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. His current research centers on the area of urban computing and smart transportation, developing innovative methodologies and applications to address efficiency, resilience, and sustainability issues in urban transportation systems.