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伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校(UIC)Jane Lin 博士/副教授来我院讲学和交流

发布日期:2012-11-19  作者:院办  来源:院办  点击:

受我院葛颖恩教授邀请,伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校(UIC)Jane Lin 博士/副教授从11月17日到22日在我院访问交流。
Lin教授是UIC土木与材料工程系的副教授,同时受聘于该校环境科学和政策研究所。她的研究兴趣主要在于运输环境影响建模、货运与物流以及智能运输系统(ITS)。Lin教授是美国运输研究理事会(TRB)运输与环境质量委员会(ADC20)的主席。她也是Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice和International Journal of Sustainable Transportation两个国际期刊的编委。至今,她已经在Transportation Science, Atmospheric Environment, Transportation, Journal of Environmental Management, Transportation Research Part A-F以及国际会议上发表学术论文70余篇。在2003年到UIC任教之前,她于哈佛大学环境中心做博士后研究。此外,她在清华大学获得学士学位、后在加州大学Davis分校获得硕士和博士学位。
本周Lin教授将在我们的SemiTranS @ DUT (Seminar on Transportation Studies at DUT) 作三次报告,她报告的题目、时间和地点如下(摘要见附录):
题目一:Integrated Framework for Fine-Grained Transportation and Air Quality Analyses

题目二:Modeling Land Use, Bus Ridership and Air Quality: A Case Study of Chicago Bus Service

题目三:Economic and Environmental Analyses of Urban Delivery Consolidation Strategies

Integrated Framework for Fine-Grained Transportation and Air Quality Analyses
Abstract:This talk presents and demonstrates, through a case study, an integrated and holistic modeling framework for analyzing fine grained transportation activities and resulting vehicle emissions, air pollution and health impacts. The modeling framework consists of six modules, i.e., economics and land use model, activity-based travel demand model, dynamic traffic assignment model, mobile source emissions simulator, air dispersion model, and health exposure assessment. This talk will focuses on the methodology and processes that integrate all the modules into one cohesive framework. The integration approach is useful to support transportation policy analysis especially transportation conformity analyses required by law in the United States

Modeling Land Use, Bus Ridership and Air Quality: A Case Study of Chicago Bus Service.

Abstract:Public transit accessibility and ridership are affected by neighboring environment along the transit lines. This paper investigates the relations between neighborhood features and bus ridership and emissions of the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) bus lines. A mixed regression model of bus emissions/ridership model is created to quantify the direct relations with both internal bus operation indicators such as route length and number of stops and external factors including neighborhood land use and population socio-demographics. In Chicago, there are a large number of serviced urban Black neighborhoods with low population in vicinity of bus routes, poor connectivity to transit, and low transit users to work in general, resulting in high per unit ridership bus emissions (grams/ridership) for routes servicing those areas. As the city and the transit agency have been making great effort to increasing bus ridership in those neighborhoods, more collaborative work must be done by the city, the local planning agencies and the transit agency to improve accessibility to bus service.

Economic and Environmental Analyses of Urban Delivery Consolidation Strategies

Abstract:Among new, innovative city logistics strategies, delivery cooperation has received increasing academic and practical attention mostly in Europe and Japan. The idea is to establish cooperation among the suppliers, carriers and the customers through Urban Consolidation Center (UCC), a public facility usually located at the city boundary; with proper consolidation of loads and routing, the goods are then sent to the customers in the urban area with cleaner vehicles and less vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Although creating a terminal increases the operating cost at the facility, it may be compensated by reducing VMT with the right economies of scale, stocking cost at the customer end, and emissions and congestion in urban area. In this talk, I will explore strategies which will make UCC an economic and environmental attractive delivery option in the US cities. We formulate the delivery problem using the Continuum Approximation (CA) method and illustrate it through a hypothetical case study.

上一条:美国内华达大学滕化樑博士学术报告会 下一条:东京海洋大学副校长 苦瀬博仁教授 学术报告会


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