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【SemiTranS-DUT】犹他州立大学教授Prof. Anthony Chen学术讲座

发布日期:2013-10-13  作者:院办  来源:院办  点击:

地 点:建设工程学部,3号楼3楼会议室
时 间:10月22日下午3:30
题 目:Networks: A Multi-disciplinary Paradigm and Its Applications in Transportation
报告人:Prof. Anthony Chen, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA;上海同济大学东方学者特聘教授
摘 要: Throughout history, networks have served as the foundation for connecting humans to one another and their activities. This seminar will give an overview of networks as a multi-disciplinary paradigm with some applications in transportation. It will briefly cover four research topics: (1) transportation network reliability/vulnerability/resiliency analysis, (2) path flow estimator and its applications, (3) network equilibrium models, and (4) experimental research on pedestrian and evacuation behaviors. Some future research will also be discussed in the seminar.
Dr. Anthony Chen is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Utah State University (USU) in the United States. He is currently serving as Shanghai Specially-Appointed Professor (Oriental Scholar) at Tongji University, Shanghai, China. Professor Chen’s research interests include transportation systems modeling and analysis, transportation network reliability/vulnerability/resiliency analysis, path flow estimator and its applications to transportation planning, and applied optimization to civil infrastructure problems. He was a member of the Transportation Network Modeling Committee of the Transportation Research Board (from 1999 to 2009). He is currently serving as an associate editor of Transportmetrica and an editorial board member of ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development and Transportation Research Part B: Methodological.

上一条:【SemiTranS-DUT】韩国成均管大学Kim Kwang-sik (金光直)教授学术讲座 下一条:【SemiTranS-DUT】我校海天学者、康奈尔大学副教授高怀珠博士


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