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【讲座通知】姜宇 副教授,兰卡斯特大学、丹麦技术大学:Towards Integrated Transporting People and Goods

发布日期:2024-04-30  作者:  来源:  点击:

Towards Integrated Transporting People and Goods

Witnessing the substantial growth in e-commerce, courier companies are searching for new technologies and logistics models to meet the ultimate challenge of providing faster deliveries with low monetary and environmental costs. The promotion of integrated mobility that transports passengers and goods at the same time has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Within this framework, diversified forms such as co-modality, freight on transit, and crowdshipping have been proposed, piloted or implemented. In this talk, I will first offer a comprehensive review focusing on the operation of integrated people-and-goods transportation systems. Different practical forms in which people and goods are transported in an integrated manner are identified. Then, a novel transportation system is proposed, wherein passengers and goods are transported simultaneously using demand-responsive buses and drones. It combines the advantages of the flexibility of taxis and the large capacity of public transport modes. A new optimisation problem that designs the routes for both demand-responsive buses and drones is proposed and denoted as the passenger and parcel share-a-ride problem with drones. To solve the model for large-scale instances, an adaptive large neighbourhood search metaheuristic is developed. Numerical experiments are conducted to validate the correctness of the model and evaluate the efficiency of the metaheuristic. Moreover, sensitivity analyses are performed to explore the influences of the maximum number of intermediate stops during one passenger request service, the drone flight endurance, and the unit delay penalty on the total cost, which comprises the transportation and delay costs.


兰卡斯特大学 (Lancaster University, UK)  副教授

丹麦技术大学(Technical University of Denmark)副教授

: Towards Integrated Transporting People and Goods

点:建设工程学院 土木综合实验四号楼6楼会议室
间:202457日(周二)上午,930 -1100




姜宇教授简介:姜宇教授现为英国兰卡斯特大学商学院副教授,兼丹麦技术大学副教授。博士毕业于香港大学,硕士毕业于新加坡国立大学,本科山东大学。曾在香港大学,兰卡斯特大学, 英国牛津大学从事博士后研究。他目前专注于交通优化和城市物流模型的开发与其算法方面的研究,Google Scholar引用1823次,H-index23。发表英文SCI论文近50余篇,其中近一半发表在交通方向主流期刊,包括Transportation ScienceTransportation Research Part B, Part C, Part E, Part A, 以及European Journal of Operational Research。连续两次参加交通领域顶级会议ISTTT, 并受邀在主会场做Podium Presentation。是丹麦独立研究理事会(Independent Research Fund Denmark)成立以来唯一一位公交方向资助的独立的中国籍PI,单项资助总金额近300万丹麦克朗,并主持欧盟Horizon Europe项目子课题,项目总金额近400万欧元。参与两项国家自然基金NSFC面上项目。指导的学生分别在国际主流交通会议CASTPHKSTS获奖。

丹麦技术大学简介:丹麦技术大学,又译丹麦科技大学,是世界顶尖的理工大学之一,也是北欧地区最好的工科大学,在世界范围内享有盛誉,同时也是世界上最古老的科技大学之一,是丹麦培养高级工程技术人员的最主要学府,是欧洲卓越理工大学联盟、北欧五校联盟成员之一,坐落于丹麦首都哥本哈根北部的孔恩斯灵比(Kongens Lyngby)。2017年美国US News世界大学排名中,其工学位列世界第18,欧洲第4,北欧第1;泰晤士高等教育排名,其工学位列世界第31,欧洲第9,北欧第1;在2015年世界大学学术排名(ARWU),其工学位列世界第38,大欧洲(含英国)第6,北欧第12022US News世界大学排名99名。

兰卡斯特大学管理学院简介:兰卡斯特大学管理学院(LUMS)是英国顶尖商学院之一。学院除获英、欧、美三大顶级商学院学术认证机构EQUISAACSBAMBA认证外还获得了SBCSmall Business Charter)认证,成为了为数不多获四重认证的世界顶尖商学院之一。根据最近的2021年英国政府的研究卓越框架 (REF)评估显示,LUMS在业与管理学领域的科研力” (Research Power) 位居全英第一。兰卡斯特大学管理学院是英国最早设置运筹Operation Research方向的学院。运筹学期刊的TOP期刊 European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) 的创刊者(Funding Editor)就是兰卡斯特大学管理学院教授。全英唯一的统计学与运筹学的博士项目培训中心(Statistics and Operational Research (STOR-i) 就是坐落在兰卡斯特大学校园内隶属于LUMSLUMS下属的交通与物流研究中心(CENTRAL)是英国领先的交通研究中心,承担英国政府(EPSRC),欧盟 (Horizon Europe) 等重大项目。



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