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发布日期:2012-03-10  作者:交通运输学院  来源:交通运输学院  点击:


Established in February 1996, the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS) aims to foster excellence in transportation research and practice, stimulate professional interchange in transportation, and provide a forum for exchanging ideas on transportation developments.

Hong Kong is a major transportation and logistics hub of the Asia-Pacific region. With the increasing integration of the economies of the Pearl River Delta and Southeast Asia, and increasing global market competition, advanced methods in operations research, management science, economics and statistics are needed for modeling the dynamics of complex large-scale multimodal transportation systems. Practitioners and academics are cordially invited to share their knowledge, experience and insights on the design, analysis, planning, operation, engineering, co-ordination and management of transportation systems and their impacts. The technical program may include plenary sessions, paper presentations and interactive sessions.


Abstracts (300-500 words) must be received no later than 15 April 2012. Authors are invited to submit abstracts to the online submission system, via the following url: https://editorialexpress.com/cgi-bin/e-editor/e-submit_v11.cgi?dbase=HKSTS17

If there is any enquiry, please contact:

Dr. Ho-Yin Mak
Co-Chair of the 17th HKSTS International Conference
Department of Industrial Engineering & Logistics Management
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong

Fax: (852) 2358-7116
E-mail: hymak@ust.hk

call for papers


上一条:【国际】第13届交通研究国际会议(WCTR2013-Rio) 下一条:【国际】第二届土木与交通运输国际会议


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