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发布日期:2011-08-24  作者:刘锴  来源:交通运输学院  点击:

【国际】老龄化,移动性和生活质量国际会议 Aging, Mobility and Quality of Life (AMQoL)

24th-26thJune 2012, University of Michigan, USA

The Aging, Mobility and Quality of Life (AMQoL) 2012 conference will focus on the particular requirements of elderly people for transport/mobility that gives them access to the various activities and services that maintain their health and well-being and enhance their quality of life.

Important Conference Deadlines

Abstract deadline

上一条:【国际】第五届交通网络可靠性国际会议 INSTR2012 下一条:【国内】第六届中国智能交通年会


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