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哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院Dr. Arnold Howitt来我院开展学术交流

发布日期:2014-08-07  作者:交通运输学院  来源:交通运输学院  点击:

应赵胜川院长邀请,2014年8月4日-8日,哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院民主管理与创新中心常务主任Arnold Howitt博士访问我校,与我院师生进行学术交流。交通运输学院院长赵胜川教授等参加了相关学术活动。
8月6日上午9:00,Arnold Howitt博士就应急管理问题为我院师生作了相关的学术讲座,内容主要为日本2011年的三重灾难(地震、海啸、核事故)的应急管理问题与应急组织经验。
讲座期间,同学们就讲座的内容以及自己感兴趣的问题与Arnold Howitt博士进行了深入的讨论与交流,加深了对应急管理领域的理解。
Dr. Arnold Howitt为我院师生进行讲座
Dr. Arnold Howitt与我院师生合影
附:Dr. Arnold Howitt简介。
Arnold M. Howitt is Executive Director of the Roy and Lila Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at HKS, with responsibility for its executive education and research programs. He also co-directs the Program on Crisis Leadership, jointly sponsored by the Ash Center and the Taubman Center for State and Local Government.
As a faculty member, Dr. Howitt works extensively in executive education for senior officials. He chairs or co-chairs Leadership in Crises, Leadership for New State Health Directors, and co-founded and has taught in Crisis Leadership for Higher Education and the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative. He has also been deeply involved in executive education programs for China, serving as faculty chair of China Crisis Management and co-chair of the Shanghai Executive Public Management and China's Leaders in Development programs.
Dr. Howitt's research focuses on public management and intergovernmental policy implementation, particularly emergency preparedness and disaster management. He has conducted research or consulted for public agencies at the federal, state, and local levels, as well as lecturing widely on these subjects. He has served on a number of national and state advisory panels.
Among other writing, Dr. Howitt is co-author/editor of Public Health Preparedness (forthcoming), Managing Crises: Responding to Large-Scale Emergencies (2009), Countering Terrorism: Dimensions of Preparedness(2003), and Perspectives on Management Capacity Building (1986), and author of Managing Federalism: Studies in Intergovernmental Relations (1984).
At HKS, he was Executive Director of the Taubman Center for State and Local Government prior to joining the Ash Center. He received his BA from Columbia University and MA and PhD in political science from Harvard University.

上一条:韩国釜庆大学师生来我院进行学术交流活动 下一条:交通运输学院师生参访团应邀访日


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