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2015-01-05 18:06  


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 7/2008 – present, Associate Professor, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
6/2005 – 6/2008, Senior Engineer, Jiangsu Transportation Research Institute, Nanjing, China
10/2003 – 5/2005, Engineer, Quality Engineering Solutions, Inc. Pennsylvania, USA
1/2003 – 9/2003, Engineer, Ground Tech., Inc. Texas, USA
8/1999 – 2/2002, Research Assistant, North Carolina State University, USA
4/1996 – 7/1999, Assistant Engineer, Jiangsu Transportation Research Institute, Nanjing, China

Research Field :

Constitutive Modeling of Asphalt Concretes
Preventive Maintenance of Pavement Structures
Construction and Field Quality Control of Asphalt Pavements
Recycling of Paving Materials
Pavement Structural Analysis and Design


1.Zhao, Y., Liu, H., Liu, W. Characterization of Linear Viscoelastic Properties of Asphalt Concrete Subjected to Confining Pressure, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, Accepted for publication.
2.Zhao, Y., Tan, Y., Zhou, C. Determination of axle load spectra based on percentage of overloaded trucks for mechanistic-empirical pavement design, Road Materials and Pavement Design, Accepted for publication.
3.Zhao, Y., Liu, H., Bai, L., Tan, Y. Characterization of Linear Viscoelastic Behavior of Asphalt Concrete Using a complex Modulus Model, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000688, Accepted for publication.
4.Zhao, Y., Tang, J., Liu, H. Construction of triaxial dynamic modulus master curve for asphalt mixtures, Construction & Building Materials, 2012, 37, 21-26.
5.Zhao, Y., Liu, W., Tan, Y. Analysis of Critical Structure Responses for Flexible Pavements in NCHRP 1-37A Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, 2012, 138(8), 983–990
6.Zhao Y, C. Zhou, Y. Tan, Effects of Layer Interface Conditions on Fatigue Behavior of Pavements with Semi-rigid Bases, Procedings of 9th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, Harbin, China, Aug. 2009.
7.Zhao, Y. and Y.R. Kim. The Time-Temperature Superposition for Asphalt Mixtures with Growing Damage and Permanent Deformation in Compression. Transportation Research Board, No.1832 ,Washington, D.C., 2003: 161-172
8.Morian, D., Y. Zhao, J. Arellano, and D. Hall. Analysis of Asphalt Pavement Rehabilitation Treatment Performance Over Twenty Years, Transportation Research Board No. 1905, Washington, D.C., January 2005. 2005: 36-43.
9.Morian, D., Y. Zhao, and D. Frith, Twenty years of cold in-place recycled pavement performance, 2005 International Symposium on Pavement Recycling, São Paulo, Brazil, March, 2005
10.Lee, H.J., J.Y. Choi, Y. Zhao, and Y.R. Kim. Laboratory evaluation of the effects of aggregate gradation and binder type on performance of asphalt mixtures. 9th International Conference on Asphalt Pavements, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2002.

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